引用本文:SU Ming yu1,2,YANG Qian2,GU Hai dong1*.CFA1000 Continuous Flow Analysis System for Determination of Total Nitrogen in Water[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2015,7(4):24~27
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1. 苏州科技学院 江苏省环境科学与工程重点实验室,江苏 苏州 215009;2. 苏州市环境监测中心,江苏 苏州 215004
通过绘制总氮的校准曲线,测定仪器的空白值、检出限和测定下限,并对仪器的A类不确定度进行评价,对比CFA1000连续流动分析系统与SKALAR SAN++型流动分析仪测定方法、国标法测定方法的分析结果。结果表明,在保证测定结果准确度和精密度的前提下,CFA1000连续流动分析系统具有较好的测试灵敏度。
关键词:  CFA1000连续流动分析系统  总氮
CFA1000 Continuous Flow Analysis System for Determination of Total Nitrogen in Water
SU Ming yu1,2,YANG Qian2,GU Hai dong1*1,2
1.Suzhou Institute of Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering of Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory,Suzhou,Jiangsu 215009,China;2. Suzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215004,China
Using the CFA1000 continuous flow analysis system, the total nitrogen in water was determined through the calibration curve. Class A uncertainty of the instrument was evaluated by the determination of the blank value, detection limit and minimum quantitative detection limit. CFA1000, SKALAR, and SAN++ continuous flow analysis systems were compared for their determination methods as well as the analysis results using the national standard method. The results showed that CFA1000 continuous flow analysis system had the highest sensitivity for detection among the three systems.
Key words:  CFA1000 continuous flow analysis system  Total nitrogen