引用本文:CAI Tong feng.Study on Environmental Supervision Practice and Working Method of the Large Petrochemical Projects[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2015,7(4):52~56
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江苏省苏力环境科技有限责任公司,江苏 南京 210036
关键词:  环境监理  方案编制  设计文件审查  批建相符性监理  石化项目
Study on Environmental Supervision Practice and Working Method of the Large Petrochemical Projects
CAI Tong feng
Study on Environmental Supervision Practice and Working Method of the Large Petrochemical Projects
Based on the environmental supervision practice of a large petrochemical project, the key points and working methods of environmental supervision were summarized through elaborated environmental supervision plan and programming of detailed implementation plan, as well as environmental supervision at the design stage and construction stage. The main work of environmental supervision at the design stage was to examine materials include environmental protection documents, the design blueprint, and other basic designs. The focuses of the examination were the consistency between the project layout, production scale, process route, characteristics of pollutants, pollutant control node, treatment technology and the scale of environmental protection facilities, and the environmental evaluation reports and their approval. The main work at the construction stage was focused on environmental management of the construction unit, supervision of environment to meet the standard during the construction period, supervision of hidden works and environmental risk prevention measures, checking the conformance of the environmental protection facilities, as well as the approval and construction consistency verification and so on. The expression modes of environmental supervision results were briefly analyzed.
Key words:  Environmental supervision  Programming plan  Review the design documents  Supervision of approval and construction consistency verification  Petrochemical project