引用本文:QIU Xiao guo,ZHAO Liang,MO Hong,LI Hao,SUN Wei,LIU Hong.Operational Management of the Automated Monitoring System of Water Quality in Shandong Province[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2015,7(4):57~60
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山东省环境信息与监控中心,山东 济南 250101
关键词:  水质  自动监测  运行管理  山东省
Operational Management of the Automated Monitoring System of Water Quality in Shandong Province
QIU Xiao guo,ZHAO Liang,MO Hong,LI Hao,SUN Wei,LIU Hong
Shandong Environmental Information and Monitoring Center, Jinan, Shandong 250101, China
This paper analyzed the operational management system of water quality monitoring based on the practicality of Shandong Province. The quality assurance and quality control measures of this system were explored, which included setting up the specialized agency for the operational management, regulating the behavior of supervision and management of the regulators, enforcing strict management over the operational maintenance company and the security unit, and strengthening the management of the field equipments. From the aspects of the unified monitoring data verification and strengthened automated monitoring data application, this paper discussed the application of the automated monitoring data of water quality in Shandong Province, and put forward suggestions on existing problems as well as on work.
Key words:  Water quality  Automated monitoring  Operational management  Shandong Province