引用本文:ZHU Ling, YAN Rong xin, WANG Tong jian.Emission Characteristics of Particles from Industrial Chain Bioler Briquette Coal and Raw Coal[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(2):52~54
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天津市环境监测中心,天津 300191
关键词:  工业锅炉  型煤原煤  可吸入颗粒物  可入肺颗粒物
Emission Characteristics of Particles from Industrial Chain Bioler Briquette Coal and Raw Coal
ZHU Ling, YAN Rongxin, WANG Tongjian
Tianjin Environmental Monitoring Center, Tianjin 300191, China
Emission characteristics from the combustion of boiler briquette coal and raw coal were analyzed using a self-designed dilution sampling system that was manufactured to sample the particulate pollutants such as PM2.5, PM10, and metal elements in flue gas from stationary source . The results showed that the fine particle emission ratio of briquette coal was higher than that of raw coal, and that the mass of PM2.5from the inlet and outlet of the dust collector had increase of 715% and 708%, respectively, for briquette coal than raw coal. The mass fractions of As and Pb at different particle size ranges were all higher for briquette coal. At the same time, due to the increase of inhalable particulate matter during the combustion of briquette coal, emission ratio of metals that were contained in or attached to the dust was also increased.
Key words:  Industrial boiler  Briquette coal versus raw coal  PM10  PM2.5