引用本文:LIU Lin juan, TANG Chun yan, HU Xiao ling, JI Ling xian, ZHU Xiao yu.Determination of Ammonia Nitrogen in Seawater by Gas Phase Molecular Absorption Spectrometry[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(2):16~19
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1.南通市环境监测中心站,江苏 南通 226006;2.美国俄亥俄州立大学工程学院,美国 俄亥俄州 43210
关键词:  气相分子吸收光谱法  海水  氨氮
Determination of Ammonia Nitrogen in Seawater by Gas Phase Molecular Absorption Spectrometry
LIU Linjuan, TANG Chunyan, HU Xiaoling, JI Lingxian, ZHU Xiaoyu1,2
1.Nantong Environmental Monitoring Central Station, Nantong, Jiangsu 226006, China;2.School of Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
The gas phase molecular absorption spectrometry method was employed to determine the content of ammonia nitrogen in seawater, and relating factors that might influence the results were discussed. The results showed that when seawater samples from the coast and water samples from the river mouth were adjusted with acid to a neutral pH, there was no need for membrane filtration before direct analysis by the instrument. The storage of the mixed solution of bromate and the solution containing 40% of sodium hydroxide should be no longer than two weeks and the storage temperature should be no higher than 25 ℃, otherwise the solutions should be remade fresh. The collected water samples should not be stored for a long period and they should be analyzed promptly after collection. Using the gas phase molecular absorption spectrometry method, good linear relationships were obtained for ammonia nitrogen in the mass concentration ranges of 0.01~0.40 mg/L and 0.10~2.00 mg/L, respectively, and the coefficient values r were both greater than 0.999. The method detection limit was 0.003 mg/L. RSDs of the actual samples and standards were in the range of 1.0%~1.6%, and the recovery rates were in the range of 94.0%~110%. Compared with the hypobromous acid oxidation method, there was no significant difference in the measurement results for ammonia nitrogen. Because of the large dynamic range for the detection of ammonia nitrogen, the gas phase molecular absorption spectrometry method could be used for samples with high concentrations, which could reduce errors caused by dilution.
Key words:  Gas phase molecular absorption spectrometry  Seawater  Ammonia nitrogen