引用本文:LIU Zhi-hong,LIU Juan.Energy Status and Analysis on Carbon Emission Factors in Baotou City in 12th Five-Year: Based on Grey Relational Analysis[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2017,9(6):14~18
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天津理工大学,环境科学与安全工程学院,天津 300384
关键词:  能源消费  碳排放  能源结构  产业结构  灰色关联度分析  减排
Energy Status and Analysis on Carbon Emission Factors in Baotou City in 12th Five-Year: Based on Grey Relational Analysis
LIU Zhi-hong,LIU Juan
School of Environmental Science and Safety Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
Based on energy consumption scale, industrial structure, and energy structure, the paper analyzes the current situation of energy consumption and the contradiction between economy and environment in Baotou City during the 12th Five-Year Plan period. According to the carbon accounting method recommended by IPCC, the carbon emission in Baotou City during the "12th Five-Year Plan" period is estimated, and the importance degree of carbon emission factors is identified by gray relational analysis. The results show that the energy consumption structure, industrial structure and unit GDP energy consumption are the main influencing factors of energy consumption in Baotou City. Due to the economic structure and historical reasons, Baotou City's coal-dominated energy form is difficult to change in the short term. This paper aims to realize the 13th Five-Year energy - saving emission reduction targets of Baotou, based on the optimizing energy structure, industrial structure adjustment, improving the using efficiency of energy and harmonizing the relations between environment and economy.
Key words:  Energy consumption  Carbon emissions  Energy structure  Industrial structure  Gray relational analysis