引用本文:ZHOU Xu,WU Dan,HUANG Bi yuan,LING Hong,HUANG Xia yin.Application of Liquid Chromatography Coupled with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry in Water Environment Monitoring[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2018,10(6):40~42
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江苏省环境工程重点实验室,江苏省环境科学研究院,江苏 南京 210036
关键词:  液相色谱  高分辨质谱  水环境监测
Application of Liquid Chromatography Coupled with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry in Water Environment Monitoring
ZHOU Xu,WU Dan,HUANG Bi yuan,LING Hong,HUANG Xia yin
Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering,Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China
The advantages of liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) and its practical workflow in water environment monitoring are summarized in this article. The problems confronting the application of LC-HRMS for water monitoring are the shortage of database and lag of prior locking on qualitative targets. It is proposed to establish the corresponding databases, identify the target peaks of qualitative screening, share data resources, establish and perfect the system mechanism of high throughput targeted monitoring and high throughput non targeted screening, by building target chemical databases, purchasing databases that match the instruments from a manufacturer or supplier,and building a characteristic contaminant database with local features, so as to improve the efficiency of the identification process further, and meet the needs of water environmental monitoring.
Key words:  Liquid chromatography  High resolution mass spectrometry  Water environment monitoring