引用本文:ZHOU Li-jun,YU Mei-xiang,DING Jian.Study on the Construction of the “Air Ground Vehicle People” Integrated Monitoring System in Jiangsu Province[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2020,12(1):56~59
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江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210019
构建江苏省“天地车人”一体化监控系统,利用道路遥感监测、定期排放检验、路检路查和停放地监督抽测、重型柴油车远程排放监控等手段发现高排放车辆,通过系统检测与维护(I/M)制度,对机动车进行全天候、全方位实时监控及闭环管理,同时开展非道路移动机械的登记和管理,并对5 000 t以上的加油站进行油气回收在线监控。通过大数据分析开展机动车排放数据的深入挖掘,以期为重污染天气的应急管理及政府决策提供有效技术支撑。
关键词:  机动车;天地车人;监控系统  江苏省
Study on the Construction of the “Air Ground Vehicle People” Integrated Monitoring System in Jiangsu Province
ZHOU Li-jun,YU Mei-xiang,DING Jian
Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210019,China
The study aims at building an integrated monitoring system in Jiangsu Province, which is capable of identifying high emission vehicles via ground remote sensing and monitoring, periodic emission inspection, road inspection and door to door sampling test, as well as heavy duty diesel vehicle remote emission monitoring, in order to realize all round, real time, round the clock monitoring and close loop management of motor vehicles via systematic inspection and maintenance (I/M). Meanwhile, the system is also capable of registering and managing non road mobile machinery and monitoring the oil and gas recycling levels in gas stations with an annual sales volume of 5,000 tons or above. Through the in depth analysis of motor vehicle emission data, the system can offer effective technical support for the emergency management and decision making of government agencies in case of heavily polluted weathers.
Key words:  Motor vehicle  Air ground vehicle people  Monitoring system  Jiangsu Province