引用本文:YANG Wei-fen,WANG Zhen,LI Chun-yu,WU Jing-lu.Spatio temporal Distribution Characteristics of PM2.5in Changzhou City Based on EOF Method[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2020,12(6):12~15
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1.江苏省常州环境监测中心,江苏 常州 213001;2.常州市气象局,江苏 常州 213022
关键词:  细颗粒物  空间分布  正交经验分解  变异函数  常州市
Spatio temporal Distribution Characteristics of PM2.5in Changzhou City Based on EOF Method
YANG Wei-fen,WANG Zhen,LI Chun-yu,WU Jing-lu1,2
1. Jiangsu Changzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213001, China;2.Changzhou Meteorological Office, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213022, China
This paper summarized the characteristics of spatio temporal distribution and spatial variability of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) based on PM2.5 concentration of 14 auto monitoring sites in Changzhou city in 2018. Meanwhile, the temporal and spatial regionalization of daily PM2.5 concentration were further studied and discussed by EOF method. The results indicated that the high concentration PM2.5 occurred in November and January, followed by February, April and May, and the peak value of PM2.5 was easy to appear from 18:00 to the morning of the next day. There were significant spatial variation of PM2.5 in Changzhou city, the spatial heterogeneity of PM2.5 in East West directions were greater than that in North South directions and the differences of local pollution distribution factors at each station increased with the increase of spatial distance among sites. According to the modes of EOF analysis, the regionalization of PM2.5 correlated well with the main pollution source of Changzhou, and the weather conditions also impacted the regionalization results. The concentration of PM2.5 showed a decreasing trend along the northeast to southwest regions, the north and east of the center of Changzhou City had relatively high PM2.5 concentrations while the southwest of the city had relatively low PM2.5concentrations, and it has obvious seasonal variation characteristics.
Key words:  PM2.5  Spatial distribution  EOF  Variation function  Changzhou