引用本文:XU Hui, LI Fei, LI Miao, TONG Jing, LI Xue-zheng, HAN Qiao-ye,SUN Wei-tong.Analysis on Application of Drive Test in Monitoring and Representation of Regional Ambient Quality of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2020,12(6):32~37
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北京市辐射安全技术中心,北京 100089
对北京中央电视塔周围25 km2区域电磁环境质量分别进行了射频的网格法手工监测和车载巡测自动监测,通过SPSS软件等对两种监测方法获取的数据进行了统计对比分析,发现两组数据在总体水平及数值分布特征上较为接近,因此车载巡测监测可以替代网格法监测。以车载巡测数据为基础,绘制了实测数据的道路电磁地图,利用插值法绘制了区域电磁地图,对区域电磁环境质量进行了直观表征。从回应公众关注和城市电磁规划出发,建议今后可利用车载巡测监测加强时域和频域的监测。
关键词:  车载巡测监测  网格法  区域电磁环境质量  电磁地图
Analysis on Application of Drive Test in Monitoring and Representation of Regional Ambient Quality of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation
XU Hui, LI Fei, LI Miao, TONG Jing, LI Xue-zheng, HAN Qiao-ye,SUN Wei-tong
Beijing Radiation Safety Technical Center,Beijing 100089,China
Grid manual method and drive test automatic method were conducted respectively for monitoring of a 25 km2regional ambient quality of RF electromagnetic radiation around CCTV broadcast tower, and statistical analysis of the two groups of data was carried out through SPSS software and etc. It revealed that the general EMF levels and data distribution characteristics of the two group data were very close, which demonstrated that the grid method could be replaced by drive test method. On the basis of drive test data, the road EMF map was generated;and after using interpolation prediction method, the regional EMF map was created, which could represent the RF EMF regional ambient quality visually. Considering response to public concern and urban EMF plan, suggestions of strengthening time domain and frequency domain monitoring with drive test method are put forwarded.
Key words:  Drive test monitoring  Grid method  Regional ambient quality of EMF  Electromagnetic radiation map