引用本文:ZHONG Sheng.Comparison on Monitoring Methods of Cyanobacterial Blooms by Automatic Monitoring and Manual Monitoring in Lake Taihu[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(3):19~23
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江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210019
关键词:  蓝藻水华  藻密度  叶绿素  线性相关性  自动监测法  人工镜检法  分光光度法  太湖
Comparison on Monitoring Methods of Cyanobacterial Blooms by Automatic Monitoring and Manual Monitoring in Lake Taihu
Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210019, China
In this study, the gradiently diluted field cyanobacteria samples from Lake Taihu in summer, were used to compare the automatic monitoring method with manual monitoring method(manual microscopy and spectrophotometry), meanwhile, the experimental results are verified by continuous monitoring of field samples. The results showed that, in summer Lake Taihu dominated with Microcystis spp., the mean values of linear correlation coefficient (R2adj) between the chlorophyll concentrations determined by YSI-6600 and EXO2 portable water quality monitoring instruments and algae density determined by the manual microscopy in four algae concentration sections were 0.906 and 0.936, higher than those between chlorophyll concentrations and chlorophyll a concentrations determined by spectrophotometry (0.816, 0.789). Furthermore, the regression coefficients between these two indexes varied slightly in four algae concentration sections, with the coefficient of variation of 0.24 and 0.19, respectively. According to the chlorophyll determined by automatic monitoring method based on the constructed regression equation,to predict algae density determined by manual microscopy method.The synchronous monitoring results showed that the values of linear correlation coefficient between the chlorophyll concentrations determined by instruments and algae density determined by manual microscopy,and chlorophyll measured by spectrophotometry,were 0.899 and 0.769,respectively. Hence, the automatic monitoring method is more suitable in monitoring and early warning of cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Taihu in summer compared with the spectrophotometry.
Key words:  Cyanobacterial blooms  Algal density  Chlorophyll  Algal Linear correlation  Automatic monitoring method  Algal Manual microscopy method  Spectrophotometry  Lake Taihu