引用本文:JIANG Ling,SONG Xiao-juan,LI Hai-yan,WANG Juan,YE Min-qiang.Simultaneous Determination of 116 Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air by GC-MS with Canister Sampling and Cryogenic Pre concentrated System[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(3):24~30
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江苏省连云港环境监测中心,江苏 连云港 222001
利用罐采样-低温浓缩-气相色谱-质谱联用仪结合冷柱箱技术,建立了一次进样同时分析环境空气中116种挥发性有机物的方法。利用苏玛罐采集环境空气样品,液氮低温冷凝浓缩进样,经配有冷柱箱的气相色谱-质谱法进行分析。通过优化冷凝参数和程序升温条件,最终用-35 ℃初始柱温成功保留住低碳组分,实现用一根色谱柱同时分离低碳和高碳组分。该方法仪器设备简单,无须安装中心切割器、辅助检测器等复杂配件,方法线性良好,精密度、准确度均满足质控要求,检出限为0.03×10-9~0.10×10-9,能够满足环境空气中挥发性有机物的测定要求。
关键词:  低温浓缩  气相色谱-质谱法  冷柱箱  挥发性有机物  环境空气
Simultaneous Determination of 116 Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air by GC-MS with Canister Sampling and Cryogenic Pre concentrated System
JIANG Ling,SONG Xiao-juan,LI Hai-yan,WANG Juan,YE Min-qiang
Jiangsu Lianyungang Environmental Monitoring Center, Lianyungang, Jiangsu 222001,China
A method was established to simultaneously determine 116 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ambient air by GC-MS equipped with cold oven technique followed by canister sampling and cryogenic pre concentration. Ambient air was collected by a SUMMA canister and pre concentrated by liquid nitrogen. Total 116 VOCs was separated on one capillary column with only one injection and then analyzed by MS detector. By optimizing parameters of pre concentration and temperature programming, low carbon compounds were successfully remained on the capillary column with initial temperature starting at -35℃. Therefore, both low carbon and high carbon compounds could be simultaneously separated on one capillary column. This instrument was simple without too many accessories such as deans switch and auxiliary detectors. The quantitative method exhibited a good linearity. Both the precision and accuracy could meet the quality control requirements. The detection limits were in the range of 0.03×10-9to 0.10×10-9, and this method was applicable for the determination of VOCs in ambient air.
Key words:  Cryogenic pre concentration  GC-MS  Cold oven  VOCs  Ambient air