引用本文:MAO Chengze,ZHANG Yong,LI Jiying,ZHU Zebin,LV Xueyan,WANG Chenbo,BU Yaqian,YANG Yanan.Pilot Monitoring Research of Conservation Rate of Key Species[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(4):6~13
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1.江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210019;2.江苏省苏州环境监测中心,江苏 苏州 215204; 3.江苏省盐城环境监测中心,江苏 盐城 224000
关键词:  重点生物物种  重点生物物种保护率  监测  物种组成  空间分布
Pilot Monitoring Research of Conservation Rate of Key Species
MAO Chengze1, ZHANG Yong1*,LI Jiying2,ZHU Zebin3,LV Xueyan1, WANG Chenbo1,BU Yaqian1, YANG Yanan1
1.Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210019,China; 2.Jiangsu Suzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215204, China; 3.Jiangsu Yancheng Environmental Monitoring Center,Yancheng,Jiangsu 224000 China
In order to explore the monitoring method of conservation rate of key biological species and put it into practice, pilot monitoring research of conservation rate of key biological species was carried out in Kunshan and Sheyang county. The results showed that a total of 87 key biological species were recorded, including 79 kinds of animals and 8 kinds of plants. 39 species were threatened species,including 5 critically endangered species, 19 endangered species and 15 vulnerable species. 79 species were wildlife species under state protection, including 28 species from wildlife under first class protection and 51 species from wildlife under second class protection. Conservation rate of key biological species of Kunshan and Sheyang was 97.73% and 100% respectively. In order to realize the operational application of the monitoring of conservation rate of key species, support the biodiversity and key species protection and management, we should constantly strengthen biodiversity monitoring capability, establish long term mechanism of biodiversity monitoring, improve species information of the provincial biodiversity. All relevant departments should co ordination with each other, integrate resources and form a cohesive force to realize the coordination of the monitoring, management and conservation work of key species and biodiversity.
Key words:  Key biological species  Conservation rate of key species  Monitoring  Species composition  Spatial distribution