引用本文:KUANG Chun-yi, WEI Ming-ken, SUN Weiet al.Study on Optimization of High Efficiency and Fast Determination Method for the Total Phosphorus in Seawater[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(1):61~67
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1.广东石油化工学院,广东 茂名 525000;2.喀什大学生命与地理科学学院,新疆维吾尔自治区 喀什 844000
海水总磷(TP)是海洋生态环境的重要监测指标,传统的海水TP测定方法为国标法——《海洋调查规范 海水总磷测定 过硫酸钾法》(GB/T 12763.4—2007),目前许多海域水体TP质量浓度均超出国标法的检测范围,在检测过程中需要进行稀释,过程烦琐且易影响测定结果的准确性,常用的其他方法也存在不适用于TP的快速连续测定且测定成本较高的问题。基于过硫酸根离子氧化磷化合物生成磷酸根离子的原理,探究海水TP测定的反应体系的影响因素,研究结果表明:过硫酸钾质量浓度为40 g/L,抗坏血酸质量浓度为54 g/L,钼酸铵质量浓度为37.5 g/L,酒石酸氧锑钾质量浓度为1.75 g/L,消解时间为30 min,为小体系海水TP测定新方法的最佳反应条件。通过正交验证及F与t检验,证明所建立的海水TP测定新方法与国标法的测定结果具有较高的拟合度。此外,TP测定新方法的浓度上限为28.8 μmol/L,与国标法相比,提高了4.5倍。新方法反应体系小,检测浓度范围广,能够减少检测过程中因梯度稀释步骤带来的误差,方法准确性高,为海水TP的测定提供了新的选择。
关键词:  海水  总磷  过硫酸钾消解法  钼酸铵分光光度法
Study on Optimization of High Efficiency and Fast Determination Method for the Total Phosphorus in Seawater
KUANG Chun-yi, WEI Ming-ken, SUN Weiet al1,2
1.College of Biological and Food Engineering, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Maoming, Guangdong 525000, China;2.College of Life and Geographic Sciences, Kashgar University, Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 844000, China
Total phosphorus (TP) is an important monitoring indicator of marine ecological environment. The traditional determination method of TP in seawater is the national standard method: Specifications for oceanographic survey Part 4: Survey of chemical parameters in sea water 14: Determination of total phosphorus (Potassium persulfate oxidation method). At present, the concentration of TP in seawater sometimes exceeds the scope of national standard detection and the dilution process is inevitable, which could be complex and affect the accuracy of the measurement results. Most of the other commonly used methods are high cost and not suitable for rapid continuous measurement of TP. In present study, we explored the influencing factors of the reaction system for the TP determination in seawater based on the theory of oxidation of phosphorus compounds as the principle of phosphate ions by persulfate. The results showed that the optimum reaction conditions for the TP determination in seawater with small reaction system was when the concentrations of potassium persulfate, ascorbic acid, ammonium molybdate and antimony potassium tartrate were respectively 40, 54, 37.5 and 1.75g/L, and the digestion time was 30 min. In this study, orthogonal verification combined with F and t tests proved that this newly established method for the TP determination in seawater fitted well with the measurement results of the national standard method. In addition, the upper limit of the concentration range was 28.8μmol/L based on new method of TP determination, which was 4.5 times higher than that of the national standard method. This method exhibits advantages in smaller reaction system, wider range of detection concentrations, and avoids errors caused by the gradient dilution step during the conventional detection process, providing new options for the TP determination in seawater.
Key words:  Seawater  TP  Potassium persulfate digestion method  Ammonium molybdate spectrophotometry