引用本文:CHEN Xiu-mei.Study on Cation Sources in Groundwater Based on Factor and Cluster Analysis[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(2):15~21
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江苏省南通环境监测中心, 江苏 南通 226006
关键词:  地下水  阳离子浓度  因子分析  聚类分析  来源分析
Study on Cation Sources in Groundwater Based on Factor and Cluster Analysis
CHEN Xiu-mei
Nantong Environmental Monitoring Center of Jiangsu Province,Nantong,Jiangsu 226006,China
In 2020—2021, 80 groundwater samples from 20 monitoring wells were investigated. Factor analysis and cluster analysis were used to trace the cation contents in groundwater. The results show that the concentration of cations in groundwater is affected by different degrees and different types of human activities. The sources of cations are diversified, among which lead, copper, aluminum and manganese are induced by agricultural non point sources, while ammonium, sodium and total hardness are from industrial sources. In addition, arsenic, iron and zinc come from natural sources, in which the enrichment of arsenic and iron cations is influenced by urbanization and industrialization. The increase of zinc content may be caused by the influence of human activities on the pH value of groundwater, or the influence of lateral recharge of surface water.
Key words:  Groundwater  Cation content  Factor analysis  Cluster analysis  Source analysis