引用本文:QIU Xingchun,XIA Hao.The Environmental Impact Analysis and Assessment of Hydroelectric Development on Terrestrial Ecosystem in Lower Reaches of Wujiang River[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(4):92~96
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中国电建集团贵阳勘测设计研究院有限公司,贵州 贵阳 550081
为研究水电梯级开发对当地陆生生态系统的影响程度,选择中国西南地区大型河流——乌江下游沿河至河口段为典型研究区,于2018年2—10月,采用资料查询、现场调查、遥感解译的方法,对当地陆生生态系统进行影响后评价。结果表明,梯级水电建成后,水库水面面积为建设前的2.60倍,森林、灌丛植被面积分别增加了205.89,366.04 km2,增幅分别为1.29%,2.30%,总植被生物量增加了195.14万t,增幅为2.82%;两梯级水电站建设对评价范围内植物物种多样性没有造成明显不良影响;麻阳河保护区内黑叶猴种群数量自2014—2021年,增长近30只,增幅约5%。水电梯级开发建设对评价范围内陆生生态系统没有造成明显不良影响,生态系统仍然处于良好循环之中,且存在顺向演替趋势。研究结论可为环境管理部门今后判断河流水电梯级开发对陆生生态系统的实际影响提供决策参考。
关键词:  陆生生态系统;环境影响;后评价  乌江下游;水电开发
The Environmental Impact Analysis and Assessment of Hydroelectric Development on Terrestrial Ecosystem in Lower Reaches of Wujiang River
QIU Xingchun, XIA Hao
Power China Guiyang Engineering Corporation Limited, Guiyang,Guizhou 550081,China
In order to research the influence of hydropower station development on local terrestrial ecosystem,the post assessment of environmental impact was conducted from Yanhe to estuary reach of Wujiang River in southwest China by using data inquiry, field investigation and remote sensing interpretation from February to October in 2018. The water surface area of the reservoir was 2.60 times of the pre-construction. The area of forest and shrub vegetation increased 205.89 and 366.04 km2,and the increase rate was 1.29% and 2.30%, respectively. The biomass of vegetation increased 195.14×104t,and the increase rate was 2.82%. From 2014 to 2021, the number of langurs in Mayang River Reserve increased by nearly 30,and the increase rate was 5%.The result showed that the hydropower development had no obvious influence on terrestrial ecosystem if environmental protection measures and requirements were strictly implemented. The ecosystem is still in good circulation, and there is a successional trend in the ecosystem. This study might provide decision making basis for environmental management department.
Key words:  errestrial ecosystem  Environmental impact  Post assessment  Lower reaches of Wujiang River  Hydroelectric development