引用本文:WU Chao,HOU Peng,WANG Ke-qi,LIU Qian-qian.Study on On site Determination of Particulate Matter in Exhaust Gas from Stationary Source Emission by Portable Oscillating Balance[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(2):40~45
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1.江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210036;2.江苏省苏力环境科技有限责任公司,江苏 南京 210036
将振荡天平技术与国内污染源废气监测方法标准相结合,建立了废气中颗粒物现场测定方法——便携式振荡天平法。新建方法以重量法为原理,检出限为0.2 mg/m3,全程伴热以消除湿度干扰,测试前后以标准滤膜量值验证的方式对称量结果进行质量保证,实现了固定污染源废气中颗粒物的快速、准确的测量。方法建立后与国标法《固定污染源废气 低浓度颗粒物的测定 重量法》(HJ836—2017)进行实际样品测定比对,结果表明,2种方法无显著性差异。新建方法提高了工作效率,减少了过程误差。
关键词:  固定污染源废气  颗粒物  现场测定  便携式振荡天平  方法研究
Study on On site Determination of Particulate Matter in Exhaust Gas from Stationary Source Emission by Portable Oscillating Balance
WU Chao,HOU Peng,WANG Ke-qi,LIU Qian-qian1,2
1.Jiangsu Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China;2.Jiangsu SuLi Environmental Science and Technology Co., Ltd.,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China
Combining the oscillating balance technology with domestic waste gas monitoring method of pollution source, a field test method for particulate matter in waste gas, which is the portable oscillating balance method, has been established. Based on the principle of gravimetric method, the detection limit of the current method is 0.2 mg/m3.The whole process is accompanied with heat to eliminate humidity interference. And the quality assurance of the weighing results are verified by the standard filter. The portable oscillating balance method achieves a rapid and accurate measurement of particulate matter in exhaust gas from stationary source emission. The comparison result of real samples shows there is no significant difference between the current method and the national standard method(HJ 836—2017). The current method improves the efficiency and reduces the process error.
Key words:  Stationary source emission  Particulate matter  On site measurement  Portable oscillating balance  Method research