引用本文:CAI Yuan-chen,DING Feng,ZHU Zhi-feng,ZHANG Liang-yu,LI Yuan-hui, XU Zhen-Qi.Evaluation and Error Analysis on the Effect of Air Quality Forecast in Nanjing[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(2):28~32
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1.江苏省南京环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210013;2.南京信息工程大学,环境科学与工程学院,大气环境与装备技术协同创新中心,江苏省大气环境监测与污染控制高技术研究重点实验室,江苏 南京 210044
关键词:  空气质量预报  空气质量指数  效果评估  误差分析  区域气象-大气化学在线耦合模式
Evaluation and Error Analysis on the Effect of Air Quality Forecast in Nanjing
CAI Yuan-chen,DING Feng,ZHU Zhi-feng,ZHANG Liang-yu,LI Yuan-hui, XU Zhen-Qi
1.Jiangsu Nanjing Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210013, China
Using the observed and forecast data of air quality in Nanjing in 2020, this study evaluated the air quality forecast effect in Nanjing in 2020, and analyzed the characteristics and causes of forecast bias. The results showed that among the four seasons, the AQI forecast accuracy score and comprehensive score are the highest in autumn, while the accuracy score of primary pollutants is the highest in summer. Positive prediction deviations occur in all four seasons, and the deviations in summer and winter are greater than those in spring and autumn. The false alarm rate of pollutants is related to the season. The reason for the higher false alarm rate of NO2 and PM10 is that, as the primary pollutants, NO2and PM10 mainly appear in spring and autumn. Because the IAQI values of the four pollutants in these two seasons are very close, it increases the difficulty of the forecaster subjective correction. The results of the forecast deviation analysis of a typical case showed that prediction bias of model for pollutant concentration and the insufficient attention of the forecaster to the changes of meteorological conditions and precursor concentrations cause the underestimation of the final forecast.
Key words:  Air quality forecast  AQI  Effect evaluation  Error analysis  WRF_chem