引用本文:GENG Ye,LI Bin,WU Yangyang,XIE Jianhui,WANG Peng,LI Qiang.Whole System Calibration for Fully Extracted SO2 CEMS under Ultra low Emission[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(4):57~62
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耿晔1,李斌2,武洋洋2,谢建辉1, 王鹏1,李强2
1.山东省济南生态环境监测中心, 山东 济南 250101;2.山东益源环保科技有限公司,山东 枣庄 277800
为探索超低排放改造的固定源在线监测设备二氧化硫(SO2)全系统校准工作的开展情况,保障其自动监测数据的质量,利用标准物质对不同测量原理的自动监测设备进行分组试验。试验结果表明,热湿法自动监测设备在完成超低排放改造的高氨、高湿测量环境中适用性更强;造成冷干法自动监测设备SO2全系统校准示值误差超标的原因为冷凝器铵盐结晶的吸附干扰;当待测烟气为高氨(>2 mg/m3 )、高湿(>12.3%)测量环境时,14 h后SO2全系统校准示值误差开始超过±2.5%的限值要求;在11%~13%的高湿测量环境中,磷酸滴定装置的氨逃逸水平<6mg/m3、除氨器+纳分除湿管装置的氨逃逸水平<15mg/m3时,解决铵盐结晶干扰的效果最佳。
关键词:  超低排放  二氧化硫  烟气排放在线监测设备  热湿法  冷干法  示值误差  氨逃逸  磷酸滴定
基金项目:济南市科技计划项目社会民生专项 (20180700)
Whole System Calibration for Fully Extracted SO2 CEMS under Ultra low Emission
GENG Ye1,LI Bin2,WU Yangyang2,XIE Jianhui1, WANG Peng1,LI Qiang2
1.Ecological Environment Monitoring Center of Jinan City, Jinan, Shandong 250101,China; 2.Shandong Yiyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Zaozhuang,Shandong 277800,China
In order to explore the development of the whole system calibration of sulfur dioxide automatic monitoring equipment at stationary sources that have completed ultra low emission transformation and to guarantee the quality of their automatic monitoring data, group experiments are conducted on automatic monitoring equipment with different measurement principles using standard substances. Relying on the experimental results, it is known that: The automatic monitoring equipment of thermal humidity method is more applicable in high ammonia and high humidity measurement environment where the ultra low emission transformation is completed. Crystallization of ammonium salt in the condenser causes adsorption interference which results in indication error of calibration by cold dry method exceeding standard. When the flue gas to be measured is high ammonia (>2 mg/m3 ) and high humidity (>12.3%), after 14 hours, the sulfur dioxide whole system calibration error begins to exceed the ±2.5% limit requirement; In a measurement environment with high humidity up to 11%~13%, ammonia escape levels within 6 mg/m3 for the phosphoric acid titration device and within 15 mg/m3 for dehumidifier tube device equipped with ammonia eliminator + Nafion are most effective in solving ammonium crystallization interference.
Key words:  Ultra low emission  SO2  CEMS  Thermal humidity method  Cold dry method  Measurement error  Ammonia escape  Phosphoric acid titration