引用本文:QIU Jian,YUAN Lubin,XING Shuyu,LIU Xin,DING Yihua,TIAN Miaomiao.Distribution Characteristics of Phosphorus in Surface Sediments of Jinshan Lake[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(6):85~92
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1. 江苏省镇江环境监测中心,江苏 镇江 212013;2. 江苏大学环境与安全工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013
以镇江市金山湖为研究区域,于2019年1月(冬季)和2019年7月(夏季)采集了10个点位的表层沉积物样品,参照欧洲标准测试测量组织建立的沉积物磷形态分析方法(SMT)测定沉积物总磷(TP)、无机磷(IP)、有机磷(OP)、铁/铝-磷(Fe/Al-P)和钙-磷(Ca-P)质量分数,研究金山湖表层沉积物磷元素及其赋存形态的季节分布特征。结果表明,金山湖表层沉积物中TP质量分数在冬、夏季分别为727.39~1 073.70 mg/kg和700.90~1 002.17 mg/kg,处于中等污染水平;金山湖表层沉积物磷以IP为主,IP在TP中的占比在冬、夏季分别为68.58%~88.86%,73.09%~87.21%;除了Fe/Al-P以外,OP作为生物有效磷源,其冬、夏季质量分数分别为69.37~190.93 mg/kg和108.45~210.42 mg/kg;其平均值分别为129.01,160.15 mg/kg。金山湖冬、夏季沉积物各形态磷质量分数所占比例均表现为Ca-P>Fe/Al-P>OP,表明该研究区域沉积物以Ca-P占优势。金山湖表层沉积物pH值呈现弱碱性,通过Ca-P直接释放到上覆水中的磷较少,故金山湖沉积物磷元素的潜在风险较小。各形态磷的相关性分析结果发现,冬季沉积物TP与Fe/Al-P、IP呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。夏季沉积物TP与IP、Fe/Al-P之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与Ca-P呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。此外,金山湖沉积物OP、Fe/Al-P以及Ca-P的来源不一致。pH值对沉积物IP会产生一定影响,而其余磷形态则受pH值的影响程度较小。
关键词:  磷形态  分布特征  金山湖  沉积物
Distribution Characteristics of Phosphorus in Surface Sediments of Jinshan Lake
QIU Jian1, YUAN Lubin2, XING Shuyu2, LIU Xin2, DING Yihua1, TIAN Miaomiao1
1. Zhenjiang Environmental monitoring Center of Jiangsu province, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013,China;2. School of the Environment and Safety Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang,Jiangsu 212013,China
In order to reveal distribution characteristics of phosphorus fractions in surface sediment of the Jinshan Lake of Zhenjiang, 10 surface sediment samples were collected from the Jinshan lake in winter and summer, respectively. Total phosphorus(IP), inorganic phosphorus(IP), organic phosphorus(OP), Fe/Al bound phosphorus(Fe/Al-P) and Ca bound phosphorus(Ca-P) were measured according to the sediment phosphorus form analysis method established by the European Standard Test and Measurement Organization(SMT). Results showed that:TP content in surface sediments ranged from 727.39~1 073.70 mg/kg and 700.90~1 002.17 mg/kg in winter and summer, respectively. The ratio of IP to TP was 68.58%~88.86% and 73.09%~87.21%, in winter and summer, respectively. In addition to Fe/Al-P,OP,as a biological available P,ranged from 69.37 to 190.93 mg/kg in winter and from 108.45 to 210.42 mg/kg in summer,with an average of 129.01 and 160.15mg/kg. The proportion of P fraction was both Ca-P>Fe/Al-P>OP in winter and summer, which indicates that Ca-P was dominant in the sediments of this study area, followed by Fe/Al-P, and the contribution of OP to TP was low. The pH value of the surface sediments of Jinshan Lake was weakly alkaline, and the phosphorus directly released into the overlying water through Ca-P was lower, so the potential risk of phosphorus in the sediments of Jinshan lake was low. Correlation analysis showed that TP content in winter sediments was significantly positive correlated with Fe/Al-P and IP(P<0.01). TP was significantly positive correlated with IP(P<0.01), Fe/Al-P(P<0.01) and Ca-P(P<0.05) in summer. In addition,there was no significant correlation between Fe/Al-P and Ca-P(P>0.05), indicating that the sources of OP, Fe/Al-P and Ca-P were inconsistent. pH value will have a certain impact on sediment IP, while other phosphorus forms are less affected by pH value.
Key words:  Phosphorus fraction  Distribution characteristics  Jinshan Lake  Sediments