引用本文:ZHAO Bin,TAN Xuerong,XUE Ming,LU Jianwei,XU Donghai,YANG Rong,ZHANG Li,GOU Weini.Pollution Status and Distribution Characteristics of Bisphenols in Rivers of Guangyuan City[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(6):17~23
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1. 广元市疾病预防控制中心,四川 广元 628000;2. 杭州市疾病预防控制中心,浙江 杭州 310007
采用QuEChERS前处理技术,利用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)于2020、2021年的枯水期和丰水期分别对广元市境内白龙江、嘉陵江、南河3条河流中8种双酚类物质(BPs)的质量浓度水平进行分析,探讨其与水体环境之间的关系。结果显示,3条河流中BPs污染普遍存在,白龙江ρ(ΣBPs)为13.86~146.33 ng/L,平均值为53.33 ng/L;嘉陵江ρ (ΣBPs)为19.95~90.85 ng/L,平均值为49.88 ng/L;南河ρ(ΣBPs)为21.22~161.16 ng/L,平均值为67.12 ng/L。3条河流中BPs污染物以双酚A(BPA)为主,双酚S(BPS)次之,其他BPs[双酚F(BPF)、双酚Z(BPZ)、双酚AP(BPAP)、双酚AF(BPAF)和双酚P(BPP)]的检出浓度和频率相对较低,ρ(ΣBPs)的平均值呈现枯水期高于丰水期、2021年高于2020年的特征。大量城市生活污水的排放导致多处断面ΣBPs质量浓度异常高,呈现明显的点源污染特征。后续需加强监测河流中BPs污染物,并结合常规水质分析综合研判河流水体环境。
关键词:  河流  双酚类物质  枯水期  丰水期
Pollution Status and Distribution Characteristics of Bisphenols in Rivers of Guangyuan City
ZHAO Bin1,TAN Xuerong1*,XUE Ming2, LU Jianwei1, XU Donghai1, YANG Rong1, ZHANG Li1, GOU Weini1
1.Guangyuan Center for Disease Control and Preuention, Guangyuan, Sichuan 628000,China; 2.Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310007, China
QuEChERS pretreatment technology and ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS/MS) were used to analyze the content levels of eight kinds of bisphenols(BPs) in Bailong River,Jialing River and Nanhe River in Guangyuan City during the withered water period and high water period of 2020 and 2021,and the relationship was discussed between concentration characteristics and water environment. The BPs pollution was widespread in the three rivers. Among them,the concentration range of ΣBPs was 13.86~146.33 ng/L,with an average concentration of 53.33 ng/L in Bailong River; the concentration range of ΣBPs was 19.95~90.85 ng/L,with an average concentration of 49.88 ng/L in Jialing River; the concentration range of ΣBPs was 21.22~161.16 ng/L,with an average concentration of 67.12 ng/L in Nanhe River. The BPs pollutant were mainly BPA, followed by BPS in the three rivers,and the detected concentrations and frequencies of other BPs(BPF, BPZ, BPAP, BPAF and BPP) were relatively low. The average concentration of ΣBPs was higher in withered water period than in high water period, and higher in 2021 than in 2020. The discharge of a large number of urban domestic sewage results in abnormally high concentration of ΣBPs in many sections, showing obvious characteristics of point source pollution. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen monitoring of BPs pollutants in rivers, and comprehensively study and judge river water environment combined with conventional water quality analysis.
Key words:  River  Bisphenols  Withered water period  High water period