引用本文:WANG Xiaojie,LIU Haiyan,JIANG Xiaoxia,AN Kezhen,LI Lin,WANG Limin.Characteristics and Source Analysis of VOCs Pollution in Autumn in Weihai City[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(5):134~140
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1.山东省威海生态环境监测中心,山东 威海 264200;2.山东省潍坊生态环境监测中心,山东 潍坊261041
关键词:  挥发性有机物  污染特征  来源解析  臭氧生成潜势  秋季
Characteristics and Source Analysis of VOCs Pollution in Autumn in Weihai City
WANG Xiaojie1, LIU Haiyan1, JIANG Xiaoxia1, AN Kezhen2, LI Lin2, WANG Limin1*
1.Weihai Ecological Environment Monitoring Center of Shandong Province, Weihai, Shandong 264200, China; 2.Weifang Ecological Environment Monitoring Center of Shandong Province, Weifang, Shandong 261041, China
In order to explore the characteristics and sources of VOCs pollution in autumn in Weihai City, manual monitoring with high frequency was adopted to monitor VOCs in autumn atmospheric environment of Weihai City from September 10 to 20,2021, and the influence of meteorological factors on ozone (O3) and its precursors and the characteristics of VOCs pollution were analyzed. Orthogonal matrix factor model (PMF) was used to study the sources of VOCs. The results show that the temperature in Weihai City has a significant influence on the generation of O3, especially under the meteorological conditions of high temperature, low humidity and poor diffusion, which is conducive to the reaction consumption of O3 precursors and promotes the generation and accumulation of O3. During the observation period, the mean volume fraction of VOCs in autumn in Weihai City was 47.84×10-9, and the highest concentration of VOCs was OVOCs (58.0%), followed by alkanes (21.6%) and halogenated hydrocarbons (10.2%). OVOCs (74.1%) contributed the most to OFP, followed by aromatic hydrocarbons (12.6%), alkanes (7.0%) and alkenes (5.4%). PMF source analysis showed that motor vehicle exhaust (gasoline and diesel vehicles) emission sources, process source, ship exhaust emission sources and industrial sources were the main sources of VOCs emission in Weihai in autumn, contributing 30.4%, 23.9%, 21.1% and 16.5%. Controlling vehicle exhaust and ship exhaust emissions is an important way to control autumn VOCs pollution in Weihai City.
Key words:  VOCs  Pollution characteristics  Source apportionment  OFP  Autumn