引用本文:LIU Pei, GU Hong, WANG Gang, LI Yuandong, DU Yunwu, LIU Lang, XU Hailiang, TANG Hui.Radioactivity Level and Public Health Risk Assessment of Uranium in Surface Water in Sichuan Province in 2016—2021[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(1):41~45
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四川省辐射环境管理监测中心站,四川 成都 611139
为调查四川省地表水体中放射性物质铀(U)的含量,评价居民摄入地表水体中U导致的健康风险,在四川省主要地表水系中共设置23个监测断面,于2016—2021年检测了U的放射性水平,并根据健康风险评价模型对居民的健康风险进行评估。结果表明:四川省地表水体中U的质量浓度为0.16~3.6 μg/L,参照《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2022),均合格;不同年份、不同地表水体中U的放射性水平间的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同水期U的放射性水平间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。各年龄组通过饮水、水体浸没途径摄入U所致总年均待积有效剂量均<0.1mSv;对各年龄段居民的总致癌风险为4.18×10-9 ~2.24×10-8 ,均低于世界卫生组织(WHO)和国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)发布的最严格控制限值。全省主要地表水体中U对各年龄组都是安全的。
关键词:  地表水体    放射性水平  健康风险  四川
Radioactivity Level and Public Health Risk Assessment of Uranium in Surface Water in Sichuan Province in 2016—2021
LIU Pei, GU Hong, WANG Gang, LI Yuandong, DU Yunwu, LIU Lang, XU Hailiang, TANG Hui*
SiChuan Management and Monitoring Center Station of Radioactive Environment,Chengdu,Sichuan 611139,China
To investigate the content of radioactive substance uranium(U) in surface water in Sichuan province, and to evaluate the health risk of residents taking U in surface water, a total of 23 monitoring sections were set up in the main surface water systems of Sichuan Province. The U radioactivity levels were detected during 2016—2021, and then the health risks of residents were assessed according to the health risk assessment model. Results showed that the radioactivity level of U in surface water in Sichuan province was 0.16~3.6 μg/L, which was all qualified according to “standards for drinking water quality”(GB 5749—2022). There was no statistical significance in the radioactivity level of U in different years and different surface waters(P>0.05). There was statistical significance in radioactivity levels of U in different water periods(P<0.05). The total annual effective dose caused by U intake through drinking water and water immersion was lower than 0.1 mSv in all age groups. The total carcinogenic risk for residents of all ages was 4.18×10-9 ~2.24×10-8 , all lower than the strictest control limits issued by World Health Organization(WHO) and International Commission on Radiological Protection(ICRP). U in the main surface water bodies in Sichuan province is safe for all age groups.
Key words:  Surface water  Uranium  Radioactivity level  Health risk  Sichuan