引用本文:DONG Jingjing,DING Feng,ZHU Zhifeng,ZHANG Liangyu,CHEN xinxing.Metal Element Pollution Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of PM2.5 in Nanjing Based on Online Monitoring[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(5):171~176
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江苏省南京环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210019
为了探究南京市细颗粒物(PM2.5)中金属元素的污染特征及健康风险,利用在线多金属分析仪采集并分析了2022年南京市PM2.5中10种金属元素的质量浓度,利用正定矩阵因子分解(PMF)模型进行金属元素的来源解析,并采用健康风险评价方法对其中5种重金属元素进行健康危害评估。结果表明,10种金属元素总的年均质量浓度为941.3 ng/m3,占PM2.5年均质量浓度的3.4%;其中,铁(Fe)、钾(K)、锌(Zn)3种金属年均质量浓度占比为91.2%。来源解析结果表明,污染物主要来源于土壤尘、燃煤、秸秆焚烧及烟花爆竹燃放、机动车尾气排放及机械磨损。健康风险评价结果表明,锰(Mn)、钒(V)、镍(Ni)、砷(As)4种重金属元素的危害商(HQ)均<1,均不存在非致癌风险;Ni、铅(Pb)的致癌风险(ECR)均<10-6,风险可控;As的致癌风险介于10-6 ~ 10-4之间,存在一定致癌风险。
关键词:  在线监测  细颗粒物  金属元素  污染特征  健康风险评价  正定矩阵因子分解模型  南京
Metal Element Pollution Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of PM2.5 in Nanjing Based on Online Monitoring
DONG Jingjing,DING Feng,ZHU Zhifeng,ZHANG Liangyu,CHEN xinxing
Nanjing Environmental Monitoring Center of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210019,China
In order to explore the pollution characteristics and health risks of metal elements in PM2.5 of Nanjing City, the mass concentration of 10 metal elements in PM2.5 of Nanjing City in 2022 was collected and analyzed by using an online polymetal analyzer, the source analysis of metal elements was carried out by using PMF model, the health hazard of 5 heavy metal elements was assessed by health risk assessment method. The results showed that the average annual mass concentration of the 10 metal elements was 941.3 ng/m3,accounting for 3.4% of the average annual mass concentration of PM2.5, Fe, K and Zn accounted for 91.2%. The analysis results of the sources of metal elements showed that the pollutants mainly come from soil dust, coal burning, straw burning, fireworks discharge, motor vehicle exhaust emission and mechanical wear. The results of health risk assessment showed that the HQ(hazard quotient) of Mn, V, Ni and As were all less than 1, indicating that there was no carcinogenic risk. The ECR(carcinogenic risk) of Ni and Pb(lead) is less than 10-6, the risk is controllable; The ECR of As is between 10 -6 and 10-4, there is a certain carcinogenic risk.
Key words:  Online monitoring  PM2.5  Metallic elements  Pollution characteristics  Health risk assessment  PMF model  Nanjing