引用本文:YAO Tong, CHEN Fujiang, RUAN Bing, ZHAO Qianyin, CHEN Qiongxi, LI Bifeng, SHI Liyun, SHEN Ding.Water Quality Evaluation of Main Streams in Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2025,17(1):103~108
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杭州西湖风景名胜区城市管理保障中心(杭州西湖风景名胜区环境监测中心),浙江 杭州 310012
关键词:  水质评价  单因子  综合水质指数  主成分分析法
Water Quality Evaluation of Main Streams in Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area
YAO Tong, CHEN Fujiang, RUAN Bing, ZHAO Qianyin, CHEN Qiongxi, LI Bifeng, SHI Liyun, SHEN Ding
Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Urban Management Guarantee Center(Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Environmental Monitoring Center), Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310012, China
The water quality analysis of 6 streams in the West Lake Scenic Area of Hangzhou from 2018 to 2023 was conducted through single factor water quality evaluation, comprehensive water quality index, and principal component analysis. The results indicate that the annual average concentrations of total phosphorus(TP), ammonia nitrogen(NH3-N), dissolved oxygen(DO), and permanganate index(IMn) in all 6 monitored sample sectors stably reached the limits of surface water class Ⅲ. The comprehensive water quality index and principal component analysis indicated that the water quality in the Meiwu Stream and Jinlong River exhibited relatively significant fluctuations, with key influencing factors being NH3-N and TP, respectively. Seasonal water quality analysis revealed that the water quality fluctuations in the Meiwu Stream mainly occurred in autumn(September-November) and winter(December-February), potentially related to agricultural non-point source pollution in the surrounding areas. The water quality fluctuations in the Jinlong River primarily occurred in spring(March-May), influenced by the release of internal source pollution from the sediment. It is recommended to improve water environment management measures by strengthening internal pollution control, conducting monitoring and prevention of agricultural non-point source pollution, and optimizing outfall management.
Key words:  Water quality evaluation  Single-factor  Comprehensive water quality index  Principal component analysis