引用本文:ZHANG Zhiru,WAN Huawei,WANG Yongcai,LU Longhui.Research on the Relationship Between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Xinjiang[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(5):146~156
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1.生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094; 2.首都师范大学, 北京 100048
关键词:  新疆  生物多样性  生态系统服务  权衡与协同  InVEST模型  修正土壤风蚀方程模型
Research on the Relationship Between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Xinjiang
ZHANG Zhiru1, WAN Huawei1*, WANG Yongcai1,2, LU Longhui1
1.Satellite Application Center for Ecology and Environmental, Beijing 100094, China;2.Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
To study the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services in Xinjiang, InVEST model and the RWEQ model were used to analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of 4 ecosystem services in 2000—2020, they are food supply, carbon storage, habitat quality and sand fixation services. Spearman method was used to explore the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem services. The results showed that there is a significant spatial difference in species richness between northern and southern Xinjiang, with higher species richness in northern Xinjiang compared to southern Xinjiang. The areas with high plant richness are mainly distributed in the west of Tianshan Mountain, the west of Altay Mountain, and the mountainous areas in the west of the Junggar Basin. On the whole, the areas with high animal richness are consistent with the areas with high plant richness, and the distribution range of high value areas is larger. From 2000 to 2020, the food supply in Xinjiang region showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, with the improvement of carbon storage and sand fixation services, the habitat quality showed a downward trend. The spatial distribution pattern of ecosystem services in Xinjiang had not changed much from 2000 to 2020, and the spatial distribution is relatively consistent with the existing ecosystem services in Xinjiang. It is determined by the natural characteristics of the region, such as terrain and landforms, and is generally consistent with the distribution characteristics of vegetation, showing a latitudinal extension change. The three services of carbon storage, habitat quality, and food supply in Xinjiang mainly exhibited synergistic relationship, while the trade off between sand fixation and food supply, carbon storage, and habitat quality services is mainly present, and its correlation became stronger in 2020. The highest levels of animal species richness include carbon storage and habitat quality services, food supply services, and wind and sand control services. As the richness of plant species increases, the supply capacity of carbon storage and habitat quality services gradually improves. The supply capacity of food supply services is strongest at the advanced level, and the supply level of wind and sand fixation services is highest at the intermediate level. The ecosystem service relationship shows strong spatial heterogeneity at different species richness levels. On the whole, the ecosystem service synergy relationship is the strongest or the trade off relationship is the weakest at the middle, high and high levels of species richness, indicating that higher species richness can coordinate the relationship between ecosystem services.
Key words:  Xinjiang  Biodiversity  Ecosystem services  Trade off and synergy  InVEST model  RWEQ model