引用本文:WANG Bing,ZHOU Le,WEI Yujun,ZHANG Hu,ZHANG Kaiyue.Pollution Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of Metal and Metalloid Elements in Atmospheric PM2.5 in Yangzhou City from 2017 to 2022[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2025,17(1):22~28
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2017—2022年扬州市大气 PM2.5中金属和类金属元素污染特征及健康风险评估
1. 扬州市疾病预防控制中心,江苏 扬州 225000;2. 扬州市邗江区疾病预防控制中心,江苏 扬州 225000;3. 扬州大学公共卫生学院,江苏 扬州 225000
为探究扬州市大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)中金属和类金属元素的污染水平、来源及健康风险,于2017—2022年对扬州市大气PM2.5进行定点连续采样。采用超声萃取-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定目标元素的浓度;运用中位数(四分位数间距)[MP25,P75)]描述各元素的浓度分布特征;依据国家标准的浓度限值对污染水平进行系统评价。采用斯皮尔曼(Spearman)相关系数、富集因子和主成分分析对各元素来源进行深入探讨,结果显示,铊(Tl)、锑(Sb)、铅(Pb)、硒(Se)、镉(Cd)和砷(As)可能与化石燃料燃烧密切相关,镍(Ni)、铬(Cr)及锰(Mn)主要来源于工业排放,而铝(Al)元素则主要受扬尘影响。健康风险评估表明,在正常暴露情景下,As和六价铬(Cr-6+)对2岁及以上人群存在潜在致癌风险;同时,As、Cr-6+ 和Cd的终生暴露亦具有一定的致癌风险,提示这些元素须作为重点监控对象。
关键词:  细颗粒物  金属和类金属元素  相关性分析  富集因子  主成分分析  健康风险评估
Pollution Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of Metal and Metalloid Elements in Atmospheric PM2.5 in Yangzhou City from 2017 to 2022
WANG Bing1, ZHOU Le1, WEI Yujun2, ZHANG Hu3, ZHANG Kaiyue1*
1.Yangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225000, China; 2. Yangzhou Hanjiang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225000, China; 3. School of Public Health, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225000, China
To investigate the pollution levels, sources and health risks associated with metal and metalloid elements in atmospheric PM2.5 in Yangzhou City, continuous sampling was conducted at a fixed site from 2017 to 2022. The concentrations of target elements were determined by using ultrasonic extraction combined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS). The median(interquartile range) MP25,P75) was employed to describe the concentration distributions. Based on the concentration limits of national standard a systematic evaluation of the pollution level was conducted. Spearman correlation coefficient analysis, Enrichment factors(EF) and principal component analysis(PCA) were utilized to further explore the source of each element. The results indicated that elements such as Tl, Sb, Pb, Se, Cd and As were likely associated with fossil fuel combustion, while Ni, Cr, and Mn were primarily from industrial emissions, and Al was significantly influenced by dust emissions. Health risk assessments suggested that under normal exposure scenarios,As and Cr(VI) posed potential carcinogenic risks for individuals aged 2 and above. Additionally, lifetime exposure to As, Cr(VI) and Cd also posed non-negligible carcinogenic risks, highlighting the need for these elements to be prioritized for monitoring and control.
Key words:  PM2.5  Metal and metalloid elements  Correlation analysis  Enrichment factors  Principal component analysis  Health risk assessment