引用本文:QIU Shuguang,ZHANG Guangfu,WANG Haoran,CAI Hanwei,ZHOU Yanrong,LIU Ting.Species Composition and Diversity of Provincial Key Protected Wild Plants in China[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(5):1~10
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1.江苏省林业科学研究院,江苏 南京 211153;2.南京师范大学生命科学学院,江苏 南京 210023
为揭示我国省级重点保护野生植物的主要特征,对我国已公布省级重点保护野生植物名录的24个省份数据进行了整理,并初步分析其种类组成、生活型谱和濒危等级。结果显示:(1)我国省级重点保护野生植物共有2 044种,隶属于208科,844属。其中,大型真菌有23种,苔藓植物有14种,石松类和蕨类植物有63种,裸子植物有50种,被子植物有1 894种。不同省份的重点保护植物种数介于17~448种,平均种数为115种。(2)植物的生活型共有10种。其中以草本植物最多,有1 200种,占总种数的58.71%;其次为常绿乔木,有262种,占总种数的12.82%;再次为落叶乔木,有225种,占总种数的11.01%。(3)根据世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)红色名录的濒危等级划分,这2 044种植物可分为6种类型。其中以无危(LC)最多,有1 224种,占比59.88%;其次为易危(VU),有248种,占比12.13%;再次为近危(NT),有198种,占比9.69%;濒危(EN)有173种,占比8.46%;极危(CR)有128种,占比6.26%。值得注意的是,濒危植物类群(包括CR、EN、VU、NT)的植物合计有747种,占比36.55%。研究发现,我国省级尺度的重点保护野生植物名录涵盖的植物类群广泛,但是各省制定的名录涉及的植物种数和比例差异很大。不同省份的重点保护野生植物的生活型多样,但是总体上以草本植物为主;这些植物的濒危等级相对较高,这可能与其地理分布相对狭窄、种群规模往往较小以及受到一定人为活动的影响有关。因此,建议国家及省级相关职能部门在省级尺度上对重点保护野生植物名录制定加强指导,在强调物种的珍稀、濒危和特有性的同时,更好地兼顾管理的可操作性、有效性和充分性。
关键词:  重点保护野生植物  濒危等级  生活型
Species Composition and Diversity of Provincial Key Protected Wild Plants in China
QIU Shuguang1, ZHANG Guangfu2*, WANG Haoran2, CAI Hanwei2, ZHOU Yanrong2, LIU Ting2
1.Jiangsu Academy of Forestry, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211153, China; 2.School of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 230023, China
In order to reveal the main characteristics of provincial key protected wild plants in China, the checklists of 24 provinces containing such plant species which have been recently released, were collated and analyzed in terms of species composition, life form spectrum and endangered categories for the first time. The results showed that:(1) There were 2.044 species of wild plants under provincial key protection, belonging to 208 families and 844 genera. Among them, there were 23 species of macro fungi, 14 species of bryophytes, 63 species of lycopodium and ferns, 50 species of gymnosperms, and 1.894 species of angiosperms. The number of key protected plant species differed among these provinces ranging from 17 to 448, with an average of 115.(2) There were ten types of life forms for these species. The majority of them were herbs with 1 200 species, accounting for 58.71% of the total species. Evergreen trees had 262 species, accounting for 12.82% of the total species while deciduous trees had 225 species, accounting for 11.01% of the total species.(3) According to the IUCN Red List, the 2.044 plant species could be classified into six categories. There were 1224 species of Least Concern(LC), 248 Vulnerable(VU), 198 Nearly Threatened(NT), 173 Endangered(EN), 128 Critically Endangered(CR), accounting for 59.88%, 12.13%, 9.69%, 8.46%, 6.26% respectively. It is worth noting that there are 747 endangered species(including CR, EN, VU, NT), accounting for 36.55% of the total. Our findings indicate that collectively the checklist of key protected wild plants at the provincial scale covers a wide range of plant taxa, but each province varies dramatically in the number and proportion of such species in its own checklist. These plant species have various life forms, with a great majority of herbs. More than a third of these plants have a relatively high threat categorization, probably resulting from restricted geographical range, small population size, and anthropogenic interference. Therefore, administrative departments from national and provinces should exercise careful oversight over the checklist making. It is necessary to emphasize the rarity, endangerment and endemism of candidate species, and it is also important to ensure the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of management.
Key words:  Key protected wild plants  Threat categorization  Life form