引用本文:TAO Jiang,SHAO Xudong,FAN Fan,CAI Kun,LI Zhao,LYU Xueyan,YE Wenrong,RUAN Xiaojie.Phytoplankton Biodiversity in Taihu Lake Ecological Conservation Area[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(5):131~138
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1.苏州市吴中环境监测站,江苏 苏州 215104;2.江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210029;3.中国环境监测总站,北京 100012
关键词:  太湖  生态涵养区  浮游植物  生物多样性  西山岛  东山岛
Phytoplankton Biodiversity in Taihu Lake Ecological Conservation Area
TAO Jiang1, SHAO Xudong2, FAN Fan2, CAI Kun2, LI Zhao3*, LYU Xueyan2*, YE Wenrong1, RUAN Xiaojie1
1. Wuzhong Environmental Monitoring center, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215104, China; 2.Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210019, China; 3.China National Environmental Monitoring Center, Beijing 100012, China
To support evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the ecological conservation area policy, this study took the ecological conservation area of Taihu Lake as the object, and carried out a quarterly survey of phytoplankton in the water body around Xishan Island and Dongshan Island from July 2023 to April 2024. A total of 109 species of phytoplankton were identified from 8 phyla, with chlorophyta having the largest number of species, 93 species in summer and 45 species in winter. Among the 20 dominant species, the number of species of cyanophyta was the highest, and the annual dominance of Anabaena sp. was the highest(0.425), while that of Microcystis was only 0.042.There were the same quarterly differences for the average number of species and the average amount of density. The differences in both average number of species and the average amount of density between spring and winter, summer and autumn were not significant(P >0.05), but the differences between spring-winter and summer-autumn were significant(P <0.05). The seasonal average density of phytoplankton was summer>autumn>winter>spring, and the spatial distribution of phytoplankton was more uniform in winter. The mean value of Shannon-Wiener diversity index in winter was significantly lower than that in the other three seasons(P <005), but there was no significant difference in the mean value of Shannon-Wiener diversity index in spring, summer and autumn(P >0.05). The average Pielou evenness index of phytoplankton in spring was significantly higher than that in the other three seasons(P <0.05), but there was no significant difference in the average Pielou evenness index of phytoplankton in summer, autumn and winter(P >0.05). The results of regional water quality assessment based on phytoplankton indexes were in the β-medium pollution type to oligo pollution type.
Key words:  Taihu Lake  Ecological Conservation Area  Phytoplankton  Biodiversity  Xishan Island  Dongshan Island