引用本文:陆 涛.美国 AIRNow 空气质量动态发布技术在上海的应用[J].环境监控与预警,2011,3(01):4-7
.Application of AIRNow Air Quality Notification System of USA in Shanghai[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2011,3(01):4-7
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美国 AIRNow 空气质量动态发布技术在上海的应用
陆 涛1
上海市环境监测中心,上海 200030
关键词:  环境空气质量  日报  预报  AIRNow  上海
Application of AIRNow Air Quality Notification System of USA in Shanghai
AIRNow developed by US EPA is the advanced air quality system in the world, which processes the advantages of automatic data management, rich products, real-time notification and fast automatic QA/QC. Based on the clear data exchange protocol, AIRNow is the most successful air quality notification system for the regional data sharing in North America. The real-time air quality data has been published by the Airnow-A pilot project between US EPA and SEPB for the area around Expo park during 2010 Shanghai EXPO, which provided the important demonstration for the national real-time data notification in China.
Key words:  ambient air quality  API reporting  API forecasting  AIRNow  Shanghai