引用本文:倪刘建,程滢,毛慧,杨文武,李江,陈军,潘春龙,何娟.微波消解-氢化物发生原子荧光光度法 测定土壤中的砷[J].环境监控与预警,2013,5(1):30-32
.Determination of Arsenic in Soil Samples Using the Method of Microwave Digestion Hydride Generation Atomic Fluordscence Spectrometry[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2013,5(1):30-32
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微波消解-氢化物发生原子荧光光度法 测定土壤中的砷
泰州市环境监测中心站,江苏 泰州 225300
关键词:  微波消解  氢化物发生  原子荧光光度法  土壤  
Determination of Arsenic in Soil Samples Using the Method of Microwave Digestion Hydride Generation Atomic Fluordscence Spectrometry
A simple and rapid method for determination of arsenic in soil samples by microwave digestion followed by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry was developed. The microwave digestion process were optimized. A micture of 5 mL nitric acid and 2 mL hydrogen peroxide was used as digestion solvent, with which the arsenic in soil samples can be sufficiently extracted. 5% of hydrochloric acid was used as carrier, and a mixture of 12g/L of potassium borohydride and 0.5% of sodium hydroxide was used as reducing agent. For four certified reference materials, the values of Hg obtained by this method were in good agreement with the certified values. The recoveries of spiked samples were over the range between 97% and 103%.
Key words:  microwave digestion  hydride generation  atomic fluorescence spectrometry  soil  arsenic