LI Yan-rong,XU Lei.Determination of Soil Cation Exchange Capacity Using Automatic Leaching Instrument Combined Intelligent Distillation Techniques[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2018,10(2):30-32
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徐州市环境监测中心站,江苏 徐州 221002
针对土壤中阳离子交换量检测国标方法的不足,介绍了一种全自动淋洗法结合自动智能一体化蒸馏的联合技术。通过对实际样品和6种土壤标样的比较实验,表明,淋洗时间设置为20 min、乙醇洗涤次数设置为4次、蒸馏液质量设置为130 g较佳,在该条件下,土壤标样及实际样品的相对标准偏差(0.87%~1.07%)远小于行业标准方法的标准偏差(3.87%~5.18%),方法准确度也均在保证值范围内。该方法自动化程度高、可操作性强且检测结果的准确度、精密度及重现性都符合标准规定,可满足大批量土壤样品分析要求。
关键词:  阳离子交换量  乙酸铵  准确度  土壤  全自动淋洗法
Determination of Soil Cation Exchange Capacity Using Automatic Leaching Instrument Combined Intelligent Distillation Techniques
LI Yan-rong,XU Lei
Xuzhou Environmental Monitoring Central Station, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221002, China
In this study, the industry standard (the recommended method) of soil cation exchange capacity which has its disadvantages, the paper introduced a new combined technique of automatic elution combined with automatic intelligent distillation that attempted to overcome these problems. Through the comparative experiment of soil samples for real soil samples and 6 different soil standard samples, the experimental results showed that the optimal operating conditions, leaching time 20 min, washing 4 times with ethanol, the distillate 130 g. Under the better condition, Compared with the industry method, the relative standard deviation of real soil samples and 6 different soil standard samples was 0.87%~1.07%, which was much less than the industry method (3.87%~5.18%). The accuracy are also within the scope of guarantee value. The combined technique improved automation and maneuverability, and the accuracy, precision and reproducibility of the testing were in accordance with the standard requirements, which could meet the analysis requirements of large quantities of soil sample.
Key words:  Cation exchange capacity  Ammonium acetate  The accuracy  Soil  Automatic Leaching