Volume ,Issue 3,2023 Table of Contents

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  Published May 30, 2023 (1 pages)
  Abstract(1426)  View PDF(711)  HTML   [HTML]
  Published May 30, 2023 (2 pages)
  Abstract(1332)  View PDF(610)  HTML   [HTML]


Research Progress on the Hazard, the Fate in the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants and Microbial Degradation of Environmental Endocrine Disruptor Ethinylestradiol
  WANG Shihao, HE Xiwe*, ZHANG Xuxiang
  Published May 30, 2023 (13 pages)
  Abstract(2875)  View PDF(658)  HTML   [HTML](129)
Reach on Removal Characteristics of MicroplasticOrganic Compound Pollution via Dualmembrane Process
  ZHU Donglin1,2, LI Guoguang2, LUO Chunyan2, YAN Xu3*, HU Lineng4
  Published May 30, 2023 (7 pages)
  Abstract(2084)  View PDF(637)  HTML   [HTML](166)


Reach on a Deep Learning Approach Considering Periodicity for Ozone Prediction Models: A Case Study of the Pearl River Delta
  CHEN Dairong, CUI Yuxiang, SU Yuenong, WU Jingan, LI Tongwen*
  Published May 30, 2023 (8 pages)
  Abstract(3252)  View PDF(684)  HTML   [HTML](101)
Levels of Ambient PCDD/Fs and Assessment of Inhalation Risk in Shanghai
  SHEN Xiaoyu1,Deng Yunyun1*,WU Yaming2,JIA Lijuan1,MAO Wanlian1,YANG Pinchuan1
  Published May 30, 2023 (6 pages)
  Abstract(2848)  View PDF(724)  HTML   [HTML](122)
Research on the Model of a Polluted Site Based on Precise Investigation
  NIU Zhenru1,GUO Shuyan2,YUAN Ting1*,CONG Hui1,ZHANG Jia3,ZHANG Youjun1
  Published May 30, 2023 (8 pages)
  Abstract(2395)  View PDF(617)  HTML   [HTML](139)


Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Technology for Onsite Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Small Molecule Organic Pollutant
  HAN Xiangzhi,XU Jiaxin,YANG Rong,LONG Feng
  Published May 30, 2023 (6 pages)
  Abstract(2639)  View PDF(617)  HTML   [HTML](42)
Determination of 19 Sulfonamides in Water by Direct InjectionUltraHigh Performance Liquid ChromatographyTandem Mass Spectrometry
  ZHOU Jingqing1, LIU Zhengzheng1, ZHANG Liufang1, ZHANG Yuehong1, HE Shichong1et al
  Published May 30, 2023 (6 pages)
  Abstract(2268)  View PDF(583)  HTML   [HTML](75)
Determination of Low Concentration Benzene Homologues in Drinking Water Source by GC with Automatic Headspace Injection
  CHEN Linchang1,XU Feng2,WANG Fei1,HU Yaqin3,KANG Tao1*
  Published May 30, 2023 (4 pages)
  Abstract(2601)  View PDF(602)  HTML   [HTML](32)
Optimization of Pretreatment Methods for Fluorescence Spectrophotometric Analysis of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Marine Organisms
  FU Dan1,2,YAN Li1,YUAN Guangwang1,2,LV Ying1,2,SUN Qi1,2,WANG Hui1
  Published May 30, 2023 (5 pages)
  Abstract(2984)  View PDF(689)  HTML   [HTML](114)
Comparison of Two Pretreatment Methods for the Determination of Organic Mercury in Soil by HPLC-ICP-MS
  WANG Xiaowen1,WANG Wei2
  Published May 30, 2023 (5 pages)
  Abstract(2220)  View PDF(626)  HTML   [HTML](24)


Analysis of the Pollution Characteristics and Sources of Nalkanes in Soil of Nanning City
  WU Lieshan1, LI Guangying1, ZHONG Minjie1, HUANG Ning2, LI Qingqianet al
  Published May 30, 2023 (7 pages)
  Abstract(2349)  View PDF(791)  HTML   [HTML](123)
Analysis on the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Water Yield and Water Conservation Functions in Yudaokou Area of Chengde City from 1990 to 2020
  WANG Ye1,2, YANG Yue1,2*, XUE Zhongcai1,2et al
  Published May 30, 2023 (9 pages)
  Abstract(2961)  View PDF(669)  HTML   [HTML](32)
Remote Sensing Investigation and Evaluation of Ecological Space Status in Yangzhou Section of the Yangtze River Based on the Technology of SatelliteUAVGround Monitoring Collaboration
  WANG Houjun1, CHEN Yujie1, WU Yue2, YU Youran3, ZHU Chen3
  Published May 30, 2023 (6 pages)
  Abstract(2006)  View PDF(610)  HTML   [HTML](106)
Research Progress on Health Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystems
  XIONG Meijun1, GAO Gengshen2, AN Hongfeng1, WANG Zhiming1,AN Linyu1
  Published May 30, 2023 (9 pages)
  Abstract(2014)  View PDF(647)  HTML   [HTML](192)


Study on Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Antimony Pollution in Zijiang River Basin of Hunan Province during the 13th FiveYear Plan Period and Analysis on the Effectiveness of Antimony Pollution Control
  LIANG Jing1, WU Wenhui1*, PENG Xiaoyu1, GONG Liming2, CHEN Can3
  Published May 30, 2023 (6 pages)
  Abstract(2517)  View PDF(564)  HTML   [HTML](121)
Green Development Path of Industrial Park under Dual Carbon Target
  YANG Kaiyu, MAO Zhixin*
  Published May 30, 2023 (7 pages)
  Abstract(2341)  View PDF(622)  HTML   [HTML](261)