引用本文:LIU Ping,WANG Yang-yi.Analysis and Consideration on the Annual Data of Ecological Environment Public Opinion in Jiangsu Province in 2021[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(6):82~87
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1. 江苏省环境保护宣传教育中心,江苏 南京 210036;2. 江苏省环保联合会,江苏 南京 210036
关键词:  江苏省  生态环境  舆情分析  网络舆情  敏感舆情  高热舆情
Analysis and Consideration on the Annual Data of Ecological Environment Public Opinion in Jiangsu Province in 2021
LIU Ping,WANG Yang-yi1,2
1. Environmental protection publicity and education center of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China;2. Jiangsu Environmental Protection Federation, Nanging, Jiangsu 210036, China
This paper comprehensively analyzes of the public opinions collected by the People′s Daily Online public opinion system from January 1 to December 31 of 2021,involving various elements of the ecological environment in Jiangsu, and focuses on the quantitative analysis of sensitive public opinions in different regions, environmental factors, release time, etc.. The results show that the number of public opinions throughout the year presents a fluctuating distribution. Water pollution and air pollution are common problems in all districts and cities, and in terms of geographical distribution, Yancheng, Suzhou and Nanjing have the highest number of sensitive public opinions, while Xuzhou, Lianyungang and Huai′an have the lowest number of sensitive public opinions. Through the analysis of three typical hot public opinion cases, this paper points out the causes of sensitive public opinion, and points out that some environmental issues have evolved into sensitive public opinion due to some local management departments′ insufficient attention to environmental public opinion, delayed response, the involvement of foreign media and the voice of influential experts in the field of environmental protection. It is proposed that we should be prepared to guide public opinion, take targeted measures in combination with the environmental characteristics of various regions, open communication channels and strengthen the initiative of public opinion response, so as to handle the ecological environment public relations in Jiangsu Province.
Key words:  Jiangsu Province  Ecological environment  Public opinion analysis  Network public opinion  Sensitive public opinion  Hot public opinion