引用本文:LIU Pei, HUANG Hui-min, YU Tao.Present Situation, Problems and Treatment Countermeasures of Emerging Pollutants in China[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(5):27~30
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1.湖南省生态环境监测中心,国家环境保护重金属污染监测重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410019;2.力合科技股份有限公司,湖南 长沙 410205
关键词:  新污染物  风险防范  措施建议
基金项目:湖湘高层次人才聚集工程-创新团队基金资助项目 (2021RC5030); 国家环境保护污染物计量和标准样品研究重点实验室开放课题基金资助项目(KF202102)
Present Situation, Problems and Treatment Countermeasures of Emerging Pollutants in China
LIU Pei, HUANG Hui-min, YU Tao1,2
1. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Monitoring for Heavy Metal Pollutants, Hunan Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Center, Changsha, Hunan 410019, China;2.Lihe Technology (Hunan) Co.,Ltd., Changsha, Hunan 410205, China
Emerging pollutants show biological toxicity, environmental persistence and bioaccumulation, they threaten human health and ecological environment. With the improvement of composite national strength and the aspirations of the people to live a better life, the governance of emerging pollutants is the key task in the 14th Five Year Plan and in the future. This paper briefly describes the definition, classification and harm of emerging pollutants, analyzes the distribution characteristics of emerging pollutants in China, and puts forward measures and suggestions to carry out thorough investigation, improve management level and popularize science, aiming at the problems such as unclear base number of emerging pollutants, lack of management level and weak awareness of environmental protection in the process of risk prevention of emerging pollutants, so as to provide reference for realizing risk control of emerging pollutants and ensuring people's life, health and safety.
Key words:  Emerging pollutants  Risk prevention  Measures and suggestions