引用本文:WANG Laile, WANG Xiao, SONG Xiaoling, QIANG Sheng, DAI Weimin.Invasion Risk Assessment of Verbena bonariensis L. Based on Three Invasive Plant Risk Assessment Systems[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(5):139~145
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南京农业大学生命科学学院,植物生物学系杂草研究室,江苏 南京 210095
柳叶马鞭草(Verbena bonariensis L.)植株高大、种子量大、繁殖方式多样、抗旱能力较强,城市公园绿地引种后已出现多处逸生的植株,其具有演变为类似加拿大一枝黄花这样失控的外来入侵植物的潜力。基于野外调查和植物性状解剖,采用3种外来物种风险评估指标体系[《外来草本植物安全性评估技术规范》(NY/T 3669—2020)、《外来入侵植物杂草化风险“五阶评估法”体系》《外来草本植物引入风险评估技术规范》(NY/T 1851—2010)]分别对柳叶马鞭草进行风险评估,并同时评估了外来入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis L.)和外来植物番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.)的风险,以此作为参照。在3种风险评估标准中,《NY/T 3669—2020》评估柳叶马鞭草的风险值(R)为63.6,为严禁引入。《外来入侵植物杂草化风险“五阶评估法”体系》评估柳叶马鞭草的入侵风险值(R)为47.5,必须严格限制引入的目的、区域、数量和次数,而且引入后必须有足够措施限制其逃逸和扩散,并加强监测工作。《NY/T 1851—2010》评估柳叶马鞭草的风险值(R)为1.07,风险等级为中,须增加评估内容或暂缓引入。3种评价体系均表明,柳叶马鞭草具有较高的外来入侵风险,应加强监控和管理,防止演变为恶性入侵杂草。
关键词:  柳叶马鞭草  外来入侵植物  风险评估  监测管理
Invasion Risk Assessment of Verbena bonariensis L. Based on Three Invasive Plant Risk Assessment Systems
WANG Laile, WANG Xiao, SONG Xiaoling, QIANG Sheng, DAI Weimin*
Weed Research Laboratory, Department of plant biology, College of Life Science, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210095,China
Verbena bonariensis L. is a tall plant with large seeds, diverse reproduction methods and strong drought resistance, and large escaped plants appear after the introduction of green space in urban parks. Its potential to evolve into an out of control invasive alien plant similar to Solidago canadensisL has not been reported. In this paper, we conducted the first invasion risk assessment of Verbena bonariensis L through field survey, plant trait dissection, and based on three herbaceous plant invasion risk assessment systems, which is conducive to the early monitoring, early warning and prevention of the invasive plant. Through literature review and fieldwork, three alien species risk assessment indicator systems were used, they are NY/T 3669—2020 Technical specification of safety assessment for alien herbaceous plant, Five-step Assessment Method for Weed Risk of Invasive Alien Plants, and NY/T 1851—2010 Rules for risk assessment of introducing alien herbaceous plants. The risk assessment of Verbena bonadariensis L. was conducted separately, and the invasive plants Solidago canadensis L. and Solanum lycopersicum L. were used as controls. Among the 3 risk assessment criteria, NY/T 3669—2020 Technical specification of safety assessment for alien herbaceous plant assesses Verbena bonariensis L. a risk value of R=69.1, which means that its introduction is strictly prohibited. The risk value of Verbena bonariensis L. is R=47.5 by Five-order Assessment Method for the Risk of Invasive Alien Plant system, which means that the purpose, area, quantity and frequency of introduction must be strictly limited. The risk value of Verbena bonariensis L. in the NY/T 1851—2010 Rules for risk assessment of introducing alien herbaceous plants is R=1.07, with a medium risk level, which needs to be added to the assessment or deferred from the introduction. The invasiveness of Verbena bonariensisL was assessed by 3 evaluation criteria, all indicated that it has a high risk of invasion and should be monitored and managed to prevent it from evolving into a pernicious invasive weed.
Key words:  Verbena bonariensis L.  Biological invasion  Risk assessment  Monitoring and management