Volume 7,Issue 5,2015 Table of Contents

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Remote Sensing Retrieval of Regional Atmospheric Visibility in Yancheng from the Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Images
  LI Xuwen,NIU Zhichun,JIANG Sheng,DING Ming,CAI Kun
  Abstract(14838)  View PDF(4290)  HTML   [HTML]


Study on the EarlyWarning Model of Feculent and Anaerobic Water Aggregation in Taihu Lake Using the Multiple Regression Theory
  XIE Weiping1,HONG Yueju2,WU Lei3,LU Yong3
  Abstract(12650)  View PDF(4050)  HTML   [HTML]
Analysis of ResourceEnvironment Gini Coefficient in Henan Province
  WANG Bing1,WANG Xinzeng2,LIU Xiaoling1,CHEN Jing3
  Abstract(11332)  View PDF(4327)  HTML   [HTML]
Discussion on the Improvement of Real Time Publishing of Air Quality Index
  XU Jianping
  Abstract(10116)  View PDF(4220)  HTML   [HTML]


Simultaneous Determination of Acetaldehyde,Acrolein,Acrylonitrile and Pyridine in Water by PurgeandtrapGas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry
  XU Jiahui,PU Xuewei*,SHI Yanfeng,JUE Yufeng
  Abstract(13377)  View PDF(5731)  HTML   [HTML]
Comparison between Microwave Digestion and Automatic Sample Digestion in the Determination of Heavy Metals in Soil Using ICP-MS
  WANG Yuanyuan,LU Xinyan,WANG Nan,CHEN Chun,GAO Yong,LIU Dan,PENG Hua
  Abstract(10615)  View PDF(4225)  HTML   [HTML]
Determination of Dinitrobenzene in TCLP of Solid Waste by SolidPhase Extraction Coupling with GC/MS
  WU Wei1,2,YU Ang1,2,ZHAO Shanshan1,2
  Abstract(9425)  View PDF(4195)  HTML   [HTML]
Improvement on Filter Sampling and Fluorine IonSelective Electrode Analysis for the Determination of the Fluoride in Ambient Air
  QIAO Xiaoping
  Abstract(10667)  View PDF(4762)  HTML   [HTML]
Determination of 98 Volatile Organic Compounds in Atmosphere by GCMS
  LIU Dianli,WANG Minggang,LAI Yanchun,ZHAO Wenjian,XU Yanmin,WANG Hui
  Abstract(9475)  View PDF(4761)  HTML   [HTML]
Simultaneous Determination of 16 PBBs in Drinking Source Water by Stir Bar Sorptive ExtractionThermal DesorptionGas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
  DONG Lijing1,DAI Xuanli2,TENG Jiaquan1,ZHANG Linzhi1,YU Yijun1,XUE Yingang1*
  Abstract(10687)  View PDF(4467)  HTML   [HTML]
Eliminating Interferences from the Determination of Total Cyanide in Wastewater
  DING Xiping
  Abstract(9183)  View PDF(4416)  HTML   [HTML]


Comparison of Air Pollution Properties among Diverse Environments in Guangdong
  YUE Dingli,ZHONG Liuju*,XIE Min,YUAN Luan,ZHANG Ying,JIANG Ming
  Abstract(10201)  View PDF(4254)  HTML   [HTML]
Investigation on an Environmental Assessment Method of Coastal Wetlands
  JIANG Sheng1
  Abstract(9561)  View PDF(4505)  HTML   [HTML]
Preliminary Investigation into Damage Assessment Methods for Environmental Pollution of Odor Gases
  GUO Lianxiu,DING Guiying,MA Fang,YAO Changxing
  Abstract(10099)  View PDF(4296)  HTML   [HTML]


Suggestions and Counter Measures of Management Modes of Automatic Monitoring Stations for Surface Water in Jiangsu Province in the New Situation
  XU Liang1
  Abstract(9659)  View PDF(4221)  HTML   [HTML]
Design on Original Record of Environmental Monitoring Based on Evidence Law
  SHEN Lijuan
  Abstract(10517)  View PDF(4854)  HTML   [HTML]
Analysis on Problems during Environmental Protection Check and Acceptance Monitoring of Copper Smelt Project
  ZHOU Yuxiang1,SONG Yiqian2
  Abstract(10898)  View PDF(4190)  HTML   [HTML]